The Australian Government Directory is a comprehensive resource for information on the Australian Government. It includes information on government departments, agencies, boards, and other structures, as well as general enquiries and helplines.
The Directory also includes the Australian Government Organisation Register (AGOR), which provides information on the function, composition, and origins of all government bodies.
Western Australian government directory
A-Z lists of government departments, agencies, boards, and other structures, as well as general enquiries and helplines.
The Australian Government Organisation Register (AGOR) is a register of all government bodies including information on their function, composition, and origins. AGOR datasets are available to download.
Australian Government board reports on gender balance and geographic diversity in holding Australian Government board positions.
Links to the state and territory government websites, and their directories.
Ministerial portfolios and their corresponding departments, agencies, boards, and structures.
The Australian Government Directory is a valuable resource for anyone who needs to learn more about the Australian government, find contact information for a particular government body, or access government services.
Homepage | Directory. (n.d.).
JJ Harrison (, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, imaged cropped
Please Note that information provided is subject to change.
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